Master Healer & Master Hypnotist

Mary McCandless

As a Board Certified Master Hypnotist, I offer a lifetime of experience to help you learn to use the power of your mind to release pain and stress and re-frame feelings or fears and change habits, enabling you to experience positive, lasting changes in your life.

I specialize in Healing and Pain Management thru hypnosis.  I also provide Present Life Regression, Re-Birthing, Past Life Regression and Life Between Lives. Whether you're questioning your purpose in life or feeling held back by past experiences, here you will find the support you need to assist in your healing journey toward releasing stress and anxiety, pain management and personal growth..

A Certified Hypnosis Instructor, I have dedicated the last year to teaching hypnosis with Georgina Cannon at the University of Toronto.  Presently, I have returned to private practice and continue teaching others to Become NGH Professional Clinical Hypnotists.  

Master Healer & Hypnotist Mary McCandless

As a Master Healer, I believe that imbalances can exist within a person, which could be physical in nature or the result of mental, emotional or spiritual experiences. Spiritual counselling and energy healing are offered to help individuals who may be feeling discouraged, disconnected, or stuck in their lives.

Recognizing that these feelings can be compounded by anxiety, stress, pain and isolation, especially in the face of loss or abandonment, a safe and non-judgmental opportunity is provided to enable you to openly express yourself and gain a greater sense of understanding and clarity, allowing you to move forward with confidence.

You'll talk, I'll listen.
Together, we'll determine the best way
to approach your healing journey.

Hypnosis Sessions


Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP)

Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP)

Past Life Regression

Past Life

Life Between Lives

Life Between


Pain Management

Skype Hypnosis Sessions


Reiki Treatments


Spiritual Counselling


Grow & Recharge Your Business

Opportunities for professional hypnotists to grow and recharge their business through quality, experiential and effective training in Hypnosis, Advanced Hypnosis, Present Life Regression, Re-Birthing, Past Life Regression, and InterLife/Life Between Lives.

“I suffer from white-coat hypertension and hate hospitals. I was about to have surgery and was beyond nervous. My treatment here was amazing. It brought my blood pressure down and I was relaxed to undergo my surgery. My post-op hypnosis was excellent as well and I am well on the road to recovery without anxiety. Thank you.”

“Mary McCandless is a Master of various healing methods including Hypnosis, Spiritual Healing and Reiki. Her studio (in her home) is a calm and welcoming environment that helps anxieties melt away as soon as you enter it. Mary is just as welcoming, and puts you at ease as soon as you meet her. She is talented and wonderful to work with, and I would highly recommend her to anyone!!” ON

“Thank you, thank you, thank you! Mary for the beautiful spirit you are and for your wonderful Reiki sessions. Each treatment is a gift of deep healing and love for me.I gain wonderful insights from my experiences with you and always leave with a better understanding of what my body has been trying to tell me. I feel so peaceful and more balanced after a treatment. You help me to let go and allow myself to receive in such a nurturing and healing way. You help me to learn more about my own healing ways. You are a Master Healer in every way and I am so grateful that you are a part of my life and support team.” NM

Contact Master Healer with your questions or to book a consultation / appointment.

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